Thursday, May 21, 2009

God is Great

This time of year is just another reminder of how great our God is. Spring in Michigan couldn't be more beautiful. This morning I was able to get two quick (blurry) shots of the baby robins by my front door. New life is a very cool thing. Mama Robin would really rather I not peek at her babies, but I just can't help myself!

The birds are singing, the grass is green and my flowers are blooming. Here a few treasures in my yard:

Two beautiful Lilac bushes that smell like heaven.

Lilly of the Valley. May's flower and one of my favorites. I always think of my wedding as I had Lilly of the Valley in my bouquet.
This could be a weed for all I know. It's just a very cool looking plant.

The last of the daffodils. Just such a cheery flower!
I noticed last night that the Iris is starting to bloom. Maybe in the next few days I'll get a shot of that. Iris always reminds me of my grandma. She had many in her yard and they were her pride and joy each spring!
I hope you can take some time to enjoy the Spring that God has given us. It's a time for new beginnings. I almost feel like this is the beginning of the year instead of January 1st!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

New Work Space

Ok - so, since last September when we had a flooded basement and my carpet was ruined, I have not felt good about my craft area in the basement. It's just a basement without the carpet. It's cold and damp and dreary. I've struggled all this time trying to figure out what to do to make it better. I was either not crafting at home, or doing beading projects upstairs that don't require an area. I also put a card table in the living room a couple different times to create. Just wasn't working for me. So, while deep cleaning our bedroom a couple of weekends ago, I thought about the big space under the window. Perfect spot for my table. I didn't think Greg would like the idea, but he had no problems with it. He brought my table up and viola - a new craft space!!

I only have my basic, reach for every time, tools up here. But, usually if I'm working on a project, I gather what I need together before I begin. If I have to run down to the basement, it's there, just not as convenient. But, I don't care about convenience!! I care about a comfortable place to be creative. I have the window looking out to the woods, the tv just to the right and my radio on the bedside table. I get the best breeze with the windows open and although it isn't the brightest room in the house, it is brighter than the basement. I'm very happy and have been able to create some great graduation cards, a birthday gift and several beading projects in my new work space!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Happy Anniversary

This coming Saturday, May 23, is our 22nd wedding anniversary. We have gone through a lot in the 22 years we've been married. Greg is a wonderful man. He is a great husband and father, provider and caretaker. I love him in a different way today, a better way, than I did when we were married. We were so young and naive, but very in love. A forever love. It has grown from a young, fairly carefree love into a very mature love and respect for each other. Not that it's perfect! But, he is my one and only, my best friend and I am really looking forward to the next 22 years with him!

Happy Anniversary Honey!!

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Today was a good day. I worked at the scrapbook store this morning and even tho we weren't extremely busy, it was a good day. When I left work, I ventured out to Vicksburg to the home of a co-worker to bead. There were four of us, tons of wonderful food and wonderful margaritas! It was such fun to be creative and make jewelry with friends. I'm so blessed to have so many fun friends! So, here's what I made. The multi stone knotted necklace is a gift. The black necklace has a matching bracelet that Imade last week. Both are kinda fun!

This is a braclet I've been working on for weeks. Just can't get it just the way I want it, but I think I'll stop here. What do you think?

Maybe I'll even have time to play some more tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Go Greg!

Greg has worked hard for two years on his 1984 Camaro. Last Friday he took the car to the Martin Speedway for "test & tune" night. The place was packed and he had a great time. He had the best time he's ever had. The photographer was taking photos and this was one of Greg doing his burn out before he takes off. Pretty cool!


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

What a great day! I got to sleep in and Greg brought me a yummy treat from Panera Bread, coffee and my paper in bed. The girls gave me beautiful cards and I napped, made a few cards and was just plain lazy!

My camera is broken. I'm so sad. I hope it can be fixed. How will I get by without my camera?!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Spring in Michigan

Yes, Spring is here! The weather has been wonderful and the tulips and daffodils are blooming, the trees are turning green and my attitude is so much happier!! Another sure sign it's springtime in Michigan are the robins return. My cat surely has been happy with all the birds in the yard. One mama robin in particular has caught the attention of Zoe. She is perched on the front porch daily. Well come to find out, she has made her nest right next to our front door!

Here is the wreath that Greg gave me many years ago for our anniversary. Each spring I get it out and hang it next to the front door.

Here is the surprise inside this year!

I cannot wait to see the three little babies. We've asked the kids to not use the front door as much, or if they do, try to call out to mama robin that you are coming up the walk so she flies away before she is startled. Kaitlin came home late the other night and didn't know about our little nest. She was terrified when mama robin flew away as she approached the front door. She even came in our room at midnight to tell us we had a nest next to the front door!!

I'll try to get more photos when the babies are born. It's tricky because I don't want to get too close to the nest. Oh, and here is Zoe on her perch. She is constantly watching over mama robin!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Margarita's on May Day

We had a great time last night with our good friends, Kim & Gene, Patti & Steve and Lisa & Andy. Kim had us over for a yummy dinner, super yummy margaritas and games. Not sure how many margarita's I had, but probably a few too many! I haven't had a night like that in a long time! We had such fun just talking, telling jokes (some of them bad jokes, I must say!) and playing games. It was a good break for me. I feel like all I've done in the past month or two is work, and take care of people and things. The soul needs some fun now and then! Thanks to my friends, my soul is refreshed and happy today!