Thursday, August 19, 2010

A Few of My Favorite Things

So here is my favorite sandwich. So delicious. It's a California Ruben. Easy!
Just butter your bread like you would for a grilled cheese sandwich. Ingredients for mine are turkey, swiss cheese, red onion and coleslaw. Turkey and coleslaw are the main ingredients. Add whatever else you like!
Put the cheese on first (ymmmm melty and goey), then the turkey, then the onion and pile on the coleslaw. Top with another buttered slice of bread and grill until golden brown. Quite tasty with a few potato chips. Now I'm hungry for lunch!!
Another favorite thing of mine is daughter #2. First of all let me say that daughter #1 is also a favorite of mine (I don't want any family feuds here). But, daughter #1 is 19, living on her own, working a full time job, taking some classes and isn't around much. Therefore, not many recent photos of daughter #1, whom I love very much. That said, daughter #2 LOVES the camera!

Isn't she cute? So, daughter #2 just finished drivers training and has her permit. She drives us everywhere. I do wish I had a break peddle on the passenger side of my car. Her daddy surprised her with this.
A cute little black car. It needs some work, but she has been out there every day cleaning and helping dad fix it up! The deal is that dad will drive it to and from work for the next year and let her drive it when we run errands, but it really is her car when she turns 16. Luckly little girl, isn't she?!
And ladies, can I just leave you with my very favorite thing?

Ain't nothing sexier than a man doing housework. Don't you agree? Ok, so he's not dressed too sexy (nice socks there dude), but hey, he's mine and he's cleaning. I'm a happy girl!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Remember these?
Walking sticks or stick bugs? I haven't seen one since I was a kid. This guy was on the siding one day as I went out on the deck. Pretty cool, huh?
How about these guys? Pretty ugly fox, wouldn't you say?
We had two fox in the yard last year that were beautiful, full fir, big tails, playing together. These two look like they have mange or something. I feel bad for them, but they aren't too cute.
And then, my favorite.... my twin bambi's!

How cute are they? Didn't see the mama this day, they were just hanging out in the back yard having a snack. Just made my day!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Road Construction

YUCK!! This is my road, my driveway and my yard. Double Yuck!! They are installing sewer lines.

We explored the equipment on Sunday evening. Greg and Allison loved it. Me, not so much. It's very dirty....
Us girly girls don't really enjoying playing in the dirt!!

Yeserday morning as I left for work -- a lot of guys in front of my house.

This morning's view out my living room window. Nice. Big hole in my front yard. Not to mention the gross dirty windows and siding on my house!! We will have a major cleaning project when this is over!! AND I cannot even open my windows to let the fresh air in. The dust just flies.
Can you tell I'm not enjoying this little road construction project on my road!!

Friday, August 6, 2010

What a week...

Wow - it has really been a week. Starting at 3:30 a.m. on Monday morning when my mother-in-law passed away. She has been ill and we knew it would be soon. We were prepared and we had said our goodbyes. I told her nine hours before she died that I would do my best to take care of her boys. It doesn't make it easier. We are taking comfort in the fact that she is no longer in pain, she is with her mom and her sister, she is watching over us. Among other things, I will miss her potato salad, she made the best. Allison will miss her favorite peanut butter pie - mine just doesn't compare. Kaitlin will miss shopping and cooking with grandma. Greg will miss the long talks he and his mom used to have. Greg's dad will miss his wife, his best friend for over 50 years.

I've spent this entire week planning the luncheon. No funeral, no visitation. Greg's dad doesn't want it. But he wanted a luncheon and that is what he is getting. I've written the obituary, planned the menu, bought the food, sorted the photos and made the photo boards. I am taking care of Paula's boys. I promised her.

Greg's mom and dad at our wedding, May 23, 1987

Greg's mom and our girls on Mothers Day, 2006

Greg and his mom, Mother's Day 2004

Rest in Peace, Paula. You will be missed.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Bon Jovi Weekend!!!

Finally! My Bon Jovi weekend in Chicago arrived!! We took the train from Kalamazoo to Chicago.

We had lunch at a Thai restaurant when we arrived and then wandered the streets a little. Cocktails in our room as we got dolled up and then took the bus to Soldier Field.

After a local band played, Kid Rock rocked the stadium. He was amazing! I couldn't believe how great it was. He must have played an hour and left the crowd wanting more for sure!

And then the big event! Bon Jovi took the stage after 9:30 and played until midnight nonstop. They were unbelievable and energetic and wonderful! They sang a lot of oldies mixed in with the new songs and I knew the words to every song and sang loud and proud!!! It was a blast.

Kid Rock joined the band on stage to sing a cover version of Bob Seeger's Old Time Rock and Roll. It was such fun! And the band went out to a circle stage in the midst of the crowd. It was so very cool! I was wishing I was sitting right there!!

If Kim and Lisa weren't convinced before the concert, they are now. Seeing Bon Jovi live is something you will never forget and want to do again and again! And I will.... until the next tour!