Friday, August 6, 2010

What a week...

Wow - it has really been a week. Starting at 3:30 a.m. on Monday morning when my mother-in-law passed away. She has been ill and we knew it would be soon. We were prepared and we had said our goodbyes. I told her nine hours before she died that I would do my best to take care of her boys. It doesn't make it easier. We are taking comfort in the fact that she is no longer in pain, she is with her mom and her sister, she is watching over us. Among other things, I will miss her potato salad, she made the best. Allison will miss her favorite peanut butter pie - mine just doesn't compare. Kaitlin will miss shopping and cooking with grandma. Greg will miss the long talks he and his mom used to have. Greg's dad will miss his wife, his best friend for over 50 years.

I've spent this entire week planning the luncheon. No funeral, no visitation. Greg's dad doesn't want it. But he wanted a luncheon and that is what he is getting. I've written the obituary, planned the menu, bought the food, sorted the photos and made the photo boards. I am taking care of Paula's boys. I promised her.

Greg's mom and dad at our wedding, May 23, 1987

Greg's mom and our girls on Mothers Day, 2006

Greg and his mom, Mother's Day 2004

Rest in Peace, Paula. You will be missed.

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