Sunday, November 29, 2009

I'm A Winner!!!

I'm so excited! I won a give away on Donna Downey's blog on Thanksgiving Day!
Check it out!

The goodies look amazing and I cannot wait to get it and check it out. I'm so very thankful to my friend Patti who posted the giveaway on facebook. I'm going to share some of the surprises with her! I always say I never win anything... can't say that anymore!

I hope everyone had a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving. We were with family all day. Greg and my brothers and nephews headed up north for a weekend of hunting and the girls and I were on our own. I spent way too much time messing with my laptop which had a virus and then somehow lost its wireless card. Frustrating, but now fixed. Thank you Austin!

I decorated the house, did a little shopping (but not at 5 a.m!), saw a movie (The Blind Side - excellent) and made a very cool ornament wreath. Tonight I have a headache that is trying to become a migraine. I'm off to bed in hopes it goes away!

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