Sunday, October 10, 2010

What's New?

Well, I just had shoulder surgery, that's new. It's a painful recovery, but I'm only on the 4th day and I'm hoping that each day this week is better and better. I have physical therapy tomorrow that I'm really not looking forward to. What I am looking forward to is being pain free!!

Greg has been amazing. He has taken wonderful care of me. I appreciate him so very much.

The other new thing is that I have just become an Independent Consultant for Thirty One Gifts! I'm super excited! My kit should arrive tomorrow and my first party is October 26th. If you've never heard of Thirty-One, you really need to check it out. Here's my website: We sell purses and tote bags and gifts and most things can be personalized. The quality is great and the prices are too. I fell in love with the product and had almost every page of the catalog flagged. That's when I decided to do it! If you find something you love, let me know. I can do a book party, web party or regular home party for those that live in the area. If you ever need a gift or know someone that would like Thirty One, please pass my name along. I'm really hoping this will be a successful business!

So that's what's new with me... What's new with you?

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