Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Pin Cushions

I saw this general idea on a blog recently. Again, I am so bad about giving credit where it's due. I'm sorry - I don't remember which blog. But the idea is darling.

I bought a dozen mini jelly jars.

Then I cut a circle out of fabric that was larger than the lid of the jar.
Then I put some fiberfill in the middle of the fabric and put the lid on top.

Then I used some hot glue and I glued the fabric to the rim of the lid, tucking all the fiberfill under the lid.
After that I cut a circle of cardstock to glue over the rough edge on the bottom of the lid. But, I forgot to take a photo of that!
Then I put the lid thru the ring of the jar and pop it on the jar. Stick a few pins in the puffy top and store the rest of the pins in the little jar.

Stinkin' Cute!!

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