Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day In Review

Happy Mother's Day! Here's my day in review.... slept in (10:00 a.m. -wow!); made my own toast; read the paper and drank coffee; laundry load #1; shower; laundry load #2; worked in my scrapbook room organizing the room and finishing up some journaling; laundry load #3; made my own lunch; laundry load #4; lots of folding laundry; a little tv time; laundry load #5 and more folding; new PaperCrafts Magazine and iced tea; last laundry load #6; started dinner; checked e-mail; Greg finished dinner, served it and did the dishes (yeah!); more folding; photos of Greg's auto parts to post on ebay; figuring out how to post to ebay; getting frustrated at both ebay and husband; uploading photos; watch Survivor Finale and Extreme Home Makeover (at the same time); watch Desparate Housewives; flip back to Survivor; can't keep my eyes open and fall asleep. I did get the lounge chair I wanted for the deck! So, it wasn't the ideal Mothers Day, but I was able to stay home all day. There is always next year for that "perfect" Mother's Day! As soon as I have time, I'll post Vegas photos!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like any other day in my house!!! At least you got the chair - I'm still waiting for my gift (a new SLR camera).......