Friday, December 17, 2010

And the award goes to.....

ME! For the worst blogger in Kalamazoo! Life has interrupted this blogger. So, let's see... October I had shoulder surgery. One week later I had a terrible cold. One week later I had a horrible stomach issue that lasted for over a month and involved several doctor visits. In between all that, I had PT (pain and torture) for my shoulder. It still hurts, two months after surgery. I am a very positive person, but this is dragging me down and I'm beginning to think I will never have the range of motion I want. Then of course we had Thanksgiving. I cooked. It was delicious.

Then we cut our Christmas tree. I decorated it. It is beautiful.

My Babies and Me!

Since then I've shopped, baked, wrapped, celebrated a wee much, and worked and worked and worked at the office! My work laptop has decided that it doesn't want to work any more. This is a problem, as my boss doesn't feel the same!! So, needless to say, as much as I'd love to be blogging and catching up on my blog reading, it just isn't going to happen quite yet. Maybe next week. I begin my two week holiday break on December 22nd. I can hardly wait to sleep in!!! :))
Happy Holidays to everyone in blog - land. I hope Santa brings you just what you want this year!

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