Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Dinner plans

The menu is:
Cheesy Potatoes
Fresh Green Beans
Fresh Hot Baked Bread
Deviled Eggs
Black Olives
Texas Sheet Cake

I've spent the afternoon in the kitchen, but I love it! I made mango salsa (possibly for tomorrow, most likely just for me to enjoy!), the Texas sheet cake, the hard boiled eggs and the cheesy potatoes. Allison colored the Easter Eggs, so some will go in a pretty basket in the center of the table. The rest will become deviled! Tomorrow I just have to let the bread dough rise, cut the green beans, devil the eggs, and put the ham in the oven. Easy dinner!! Yummy Dinner! My dad and Greg's dad will join us.

Tonight it's turkey burgers on the grill. And I think a few bites of that Texas Sheet Cake. It would be WRONG of me to serve it not knowing if it's suitable for the grandpa's.
Yes, I thought so!

Have a blessed Easter...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Who's a Lucky Girl?

ME!! My countdown has started! In 22 days I get to see:

Uncle Kracker

Billy Currington

AND Kenny Chesney!!!!

AND, I'm going with the most fun people ever... Lisa and Greg (squared - because I'm Lisa and I'm married to Greg and our friends are Lisa and Greg too!) and Kim and Gene and of course my Greg. AND it's a Saturday!! Whoo Hooo!! Party in Grand Rapids! We'll head out in the afternoon for drinks and dinner, then the concert and then the After Party!!! Guess who we're counting on to show up... Kenny!! And probably Uncle Kracker too - we hear he enjoys a party!

I can't wait!!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Western Michigan University

So, I have a real job. I work at WMU in the Food Marketing Office. I am the Office Associate. The biggest part of my job is planning the Food Marketing Conference which is held every year in March. This year was the biggest ever. We had over 500 guests. It's like planning a HUGE wedding every year! It's actually really fun and exciting and extremely rewarding. I do really like my job. I thought I'd share a few photos from the this year's conference...

My boss before the conference as we are running crazy and freaking out!

This is the main ballroom at the Radisson Plaza Hotel.

My two wonderful registration beauties. I couldn't have done this without them!
Julianne and Kim ... they rock!!

Yummmmmmm..... shrimp! And my cool ice sculpture!

My two Most Favorite Food Marketing Majors... Nate and Brock. They are going to graduate in a couple of weeks. I'm so excited for their futures, but I'm so sad to see them leave! I will miss them so much!

Frank presented me with my "beauty queen bouquet"! Every year he gives me a beautiful bouquet of flowers. This year it was a dozen yellow roses. They were so gorgeous and I enjoyed them for over a week.

This year I was so sick during the entire conference! What a drag! I had a stomach bug that lasted almost a week. I have no idea how I did it, but I pulled it off!!! I'm glad it's over. But, of course, we are already planning 2012!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Hello Gorgeous...

...I've been waiting for you. All winter long.

Beautiful warm sunny day!

It was 84 degrees in Michigan today! Sunny and amazing! It won't last - tomorrow is supposed to be 45 degrees and it could *snow* on Sunday. But, today it was amazing and we enjoyed every second of it!

Happy Spring!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011


So, here I go again! It's been three months. My job is insane from December through March. Plus I'm selling Thirty One and lets not forget that family of mine! So, something had to go (and it's not my favorite TV shows) so, it had to be the blog. Let's see if I can do better throughout the spring and summer months!

I'm sharing my new beautiful baubles that I made last weekend. I can't take all the credit of course! This tutorial:

was amazing! I couldn't figure out how to make these awesome wrapped bracelets until I watched this. So, here are my results!

While browsing Tracy's site, I then found a tutorial for this little pretty:

And of course, I needed a necklace to go with the beautiful sparkly black bracelet. So I can up with this with the left over beads.

Ooooo so pretty!!!

And the fun buttons that these bracelets take... now I'm on a button hunt! But, I'm pretty cheap. Not too interested in paying $2 or $3 for one button. So, guess what I found? Three awesome buttons on a card for $1.50 - $1.75 at Walmart. While making these bracelets, I looked at this pretty button and knew it was destined to be a ring!

My co-worker said it looked like a big diamond ring! Yay for that!

So, please tell me what you think? I'm so in love with these pretties!! Now, watch Tracy's video and go bead!!!