I've been working and working and working! The big Food Marketing Conference is just around the corner and I have so much to do!
This weekend we had the chance to go to dinner and catch up with our dear old friends Denise and Roger. We've been friends since high school and with our busy lives and children, it's been tricky to get together. But, our kids our growing up and it's our time now! Can't wait for more fun evenings!
I've baked...
And beaded...
And scrapped...
Zoe loves to help mommy hold the pages while I take pictures!
And crafted more home decor...
I've also been hurting. I have a knee cap issue (it has a long technical name that I can't remember!) I have a very hard time walking my first few steps after sitting for any amount of time. So, I limp a bit. This leads to ankle and foot pain. It's a nasty cycle of pain. Motrin is my friend right now. I've been going to physical therapy. So far it hasn't made me feel better, but I'm hopeful it will. So, after everything I've been doing, this is what I should be doing right now...
Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. day and WMU is closed. I have the day off. I have no official plans, but am happy to still be in my pjs and just putzing around the house!
Sorry I've been MIA from my blog, but now you see why!
Have a wonderful Monday blogland friends!