The birds are singing, the grass is green and my flowers are blooming. Here a few treasures in my yard:
Lilly of the Valley. May's flower and one of my favorites. I always think of my wedding as I had Lilly of the Valley in my bouquet.
It's My Life. It's no where near perfect. It isn't easy. But, it's mine. And I love it.
Ok - so, since last September when we had a flooded basement and my carpet was ruined, I have not felt good about my craft area in the basement. It's just a basement without the carpet. It's cold and damp and dreary. I've struggled all this time trying to figure out what to do to make it better. I was either not crafting at home, or doing beading projects upstairs that don't require an area. I also put a card table in the living room a couple different times to create. Just wasn't working for me. So, while deep cleaning our bedroom a couple of weekends ago, I thought about the big space under the window. Perfect spot for my table. I didn't think Greg would like the idea, but he had no problems with it. He brought my table up and viola - a new craft space!!
I only have my basic, reach for every time, tools up here. But, usually if I'm working on a project, I gather what I need together before I begin. If I have to run down to the basement, it's there, just not as convenient. But, I don't care about convenience!! I care about a comfortable place to be creative. I have the window looking out to the woods, the tv just to the right and my radio on the bedside table. I get the best breeze with the windows open and although it isn't the brightest room in the house, it is brighter than the basement. I'm very happy and have been able to create some great graduation cards, a birthday gift and several beading projects in my new work space!
Maybe I'll even have time to play some more tomorrow!