Monday, April 28, 2008

Countdown to Vegas

I leave in 6 days.... I'm very excited. The Food convention should be very interesting, but I'm really looking forward to sightseeing, sitting by the pool and putting a few coins in a slot machine! The students I'm taking are good kids (all girls) and I think we'll have a great time! We are staying at the Excalibur Hotel. I really have no idea what to expect, but I'm very much looking forward to the adventure!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Latest Project

Here are a few photos of my latest project. I just love how it is turning out. It is a gift for someone very special and very deserving! I can't wait to give it away.... and then I think I need to make one for me! Thanks Patti for the inspiration!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Spring Has Sprung!

It's time to bloom! The sun is shining, the temperatures are rising and my spirits are lifting! I love Spring! Wish I was home working in the yard today instead of sitting my little windowless office! I'm going outside at lunchtime to enjoy the day.


Monday, April 14, 2008


So, here's how I spent the last afternoon of my week off....
A little wine, new tunes in my MP3 and the latest People magazine.
Today it's back to work.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Spring Break....

What a week. I'm glad I wasn't working, but it didn't really seem like vacation. Last weekend I did get some yard work done, shopping and scrapbooking. So, at least I got the fun things out of the way early! It's been a hard week with Kaitlin. She is truly struggling now and needs us even if she doesn't think she does. My dad found out that his heart is out of rhythm again. This is why he had the heart valve replacement three years ago. I don't think they would even consider another surgery. I pray there is something else that can make him feel better. My dear friend Patti's dad passed away this week. Poor Patti was in Florida on Spring Break with her family. Today is the visitation and tomorrow the funeral. My heart just broke for Patti. She was still recovering from losing her mom. Yes, it's been quite a week. Today I'm off to work at the scrapbook store. I hope we are busy! It is once again a deary and chilly day. That certainly doesn't help the mood. So, I'll say TGIF and pray for a peaceful weekend.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Favorite Songs

Right now I have three favorite songs. I keep going to YouTube whenever I have a few minutes to watch one (or all) of my favorites. Sometimes we just need something to make us smile and music usually does that for me!

Of course one of my fav's is a cover that BonJovi does.
Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah - I think Jon does a great job!

The next favorite is a remake by Sugarland, Little Big Town and Jake Owen.
The Dream Academy originally did this song. Wow - the harmony gives me chills!

And then, just a "silly teenage love song" by Jordan Sparks and Chris Brown.
Allison says she is going to marry Chris Brown, so I decided I'd better like his music! This one is just kinda catchy!

So, enjoy the music....