Thursday, January 31, 2008

Four Years Ago

January 31, 2004 my mom passed away. It's been four years. I miss her so much. But, I miss the "well" mom. For the last year and a half she wasn't my mom. Alzheimer's has a way of taking the person we knew away long before the soul goes to heaven. I miss chatting on the phone with her; I miss her stopping over on her way home from golf to see the girls; I miss going to lunch with her at Crossroads Mall when she worked at Hudsons; I just plain miss her. This poem was read at her memorial service.

She is Gone

You can shed tears that she is gone
or you can smile because she has lived.

You can close your eyes and pray that she'll come back
or you can open your eyes and see all she's left.

Your heart can be empty because you can't see her
or you can be full of the love you shared.

You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday
or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.

You can remember her and only that she's gone
or you can cherish her memory and let it live on.

You can cry and close your mind,
be empty and turn your back
or you can do what she'd want:
smile, open your eyes, love and go on.

Love you mom....

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Oh My Gosh!! The roads are horrible. I don't think I've ever driven on such icy roads. I cannot even believe that WMU is open. They are crazy! Between the horrible roads and the below zero wind chill - I feel sorry for the students who have to try to walk to class. I was wishing for a snow day -- but I was wishing it would include me. But, here I am at work. One of the only people here.... Well, it will be quiet. Maybe I'll get a lot done! Although in my mind, I'm home snuggled up with a cup of coffee and watching the snow blow through the back yard!!! If you are home (Patti) ENJOY your bonus day!!!!!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

What a wonerful weekend!

It's been a perfect weekend. First of all, I finally feel a little better and feel like I have some energy. That is half the battle!! The scrapbook store was fun on Saturday, not too busy, not boring! Plus I got a layout completed. I came home and Greg was very agreeable to go to Hobby Lobby with me! Here we've lived in this house since October and I have very little on the walls! So, we picked a few things we both liked, plus I got new beads! Then we went to dinner at Fridays -- yum! The $12.99 deal was perfect for us and that peanut butter pie -- to die for! Greg had to fix the plow truck last night, so I was a-l-o-n-e for two hours! Heaven on earth! Looked at our new purchases and decided where to have Greg hang them, did a couple loads of laundry, looked at my new Hobby Lobby magazine and then made three bracelets and a necklace! Perfect evening in my book!

Today we slept til 8:30, had French toast and again - Greg was off to work on the plow truck. I got all three bathrooms scrubbed, the kitchen cleaned, bread dough rising, chicken thawing, the newspaper read and more loads of laundry.... again, a perfect morning in my book! When Greg got home, we hung our new things on the walls and he went out to the garage to work on his car. Again - no one needed me! Love this! I showered and went to Kohls for two hours! I did spend about $60, but, the deals! I came home with, two picture frames, a valentine garden flag, a cool ring, a long sleeved tshirt, new slippers and awesomely cute new boots with a heel! I never wear heals, cause Greg is short! But I've been wanting a pair and for $25.... I splurged! I'll wear them to work, or just when I'm out and about. They are fun! So, now a few computer projects, and the then the house needs a good vacuum. Chicken, fettuccine alfredo, green beans and home-baked bread are on the menu for tonight.

Don't ya just love it when a weekend works out so nicely?! I sure do!!!! Lets hope this is the way the entire week goes!

Monday, January 14, 2008

I'm sick

Yuck - I have the cough, the sore throat, the runny nose, the body aches.... and I have to work. I'm hoping to finish by lunch time and go home to sleep. No rest for the wicked, as my mother used to say!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I Love Him!

My hubby did the nicest thing for me. He went to a side job at the salon where I get my hair cut and instead of letting them pay him, he got me a free cut and highlight. I was so surprised and so pleased! His side job money is always his play money for his hobbies, so for him to do that for me was extra special. I can't wait for my special treatment....
Greg is the short one next to me....

Sunday, January 6, 2008

It's A Masterpiece!

Masterpiece Memories will re-open tomorrow. I hope we have a good customer turn out. The store looks great. Kim is so wonderful. Everyone who works there is wonderful. What a great group of girls. I couldn't ask for a more understanding, caring group of friends. Everyone worked so hard and so well together to get that store in order for the grand opening. It was hard work and everyone... especially Kim was exhausted! I kept asking her today how she felt about the store, was she happy, was she excited. She is so tired and overwhelmed right now, I'm not sure she knows how she feels! I can't wait to hear how the first day goes. I wish I was working there tomorrow instead of at my "real" job! And Patti.... things are ok right now -- no drama today, thank God!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


It's a snowy 2008!! Here's hoping it's a safe and happy year!

Here's how beautiful it was this morning when I got up!

And here is a fun scrapbook page I complete while on break --

Well, you can see I'm playing with Allison's digital camera!
These are photos she took over the last week and I've put them
on the computer. Kinda fun... maybe I'll have to get one too!

Tomorrow is packing day at the scrapbook store! Allison and I are going to spend most of the day there packing up. Kim said movers could come on Thursday if we can get it done. I think we can... it's called Girl Power! I can't wait to play in the new store. It will be so fun.

Then, Thursday and Friday is back to the real world and work for me. It goes so fast! But, I'll be so busy that time should fly.

Again - Happiest Wishes for a Blessed 2008!